Mid shot
A Mid shot is used to show an object or person from a close view
therefore they or it can only be see if the camera were near by. It is used so
that the object or person is still
enough for the audience to feel as if they were looking at the entire
object or person.
mid shot of a person is a view of the person close enough to see their body
however it is not of the person from
head to toe, mainly from their head and main torso. For example:
Example from the Netflix series American Horror Story: Example from the film Social Network:

mid shot of an object is so that the audience is still able to focus on the
object it’s-self however it increases the view of the background that the
object is within. For example:
Example from the film Flubber: Example from the film 21 Jump street:
Example clip from the film Flubber:
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