Camera movement: Tilt.
A director may use tilting because they would like a person or object to look a specific way, for example if a director was to tilt the camera from a tree, the tree would look grand and large. However the director could use the tilt movement to make a person look large and big or small and slim.
A director would use the tilt movement on a person because they would like them to look a certain way or a certain form. They would use the tilt movement on a person because they would like them to look large therefore they would use the tilt from the bottom and if they wanted them to look big or large, and if they wanted them to look slim and tall they would tilt the camera from above or a great height. For example:
Example from the film The other guys: Example from the film Matilda:

A director would use the tilt movement on an object the same way and reason they would on a person, to make them look a certain way. A director would also use the tilt camera movement on scenery or on landscape. For example:
Example from the film Matilda:
Example from the film: The other guys:
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