Camera movement: Handheld
A director may choose to use a hand held camera, instead of using a tripod or other piece of equipment because they may need the camera action to be fairly quick but not smooth, therefore they would choose to use a handheld camera. A director may also need to travel and does not want to pack too much camera equipment.
A director may choose to use a handheld camera on an actor or person because they are moving quite swiftly and the camera is required to follow them shortly after. For example:
Two examples from the film Black Swan:
A director may choose to use a handheld camera on an object because they do not need to use a large amount of camera equipment on a still object. However the director may also use a hand held camera on scenery for a 'shaky' panning of a scene. For example:
Example from the film District 9: Example from the film 28 Days Later:

Example clip from the film Black Swan:
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